OOD: Nick Jeffery; Safety Boat: Dave Barker & Keith Clarke
A gentle breeze on a grey day saw eight boats on the water for a 14.00 start on the A course, Dave and Keith having laid the buoys for an upwind leg against the flood tide in ample time and seven boats making it to the start line.
Two Enterprises on starboard tack, metres from the OOD, got the best start – James and Candice in Zephyr and Lev, sailing single-handed in Porpoise – then short-tacking up the bank, Zephyr rounding the windward mark first and goose-winging its jib running back mid-stream to make the most of the tide.
Rob and Otto in the Enterprise Big Polly, Chris and Felicia in the Leader Distant Thunder, Ben in his Laser Envy and Olly and Billy in their Mirror Spinosaurus finished their first lap in that order, with Zephyr, on its second lap, hot on Spinosaurus’ transom, also overtaking Nick Floyer in his Gull Flo who was struggling to make headway against the tide and had yet to cross the start line.
The OOD decided to shorten the course after 45 minutes – as the breeze was dying and lap times were getting significantly longer for all – so hoisted the yellow flag, Zephyr finishing 5 laps, precisely 3 mins later. Spinosaurus finished another 3 minutes 18 seconds later, having completed 2 laps. Porpoise completed 5 laps after 53 minutes 20 seconds, followed by Big Polly (4 laps, 53 mins 48 secs), Envy (3 laps, 54 mins 12 secs), Distant Thunder (4 laps, 56 mins 7 secs).
Eight minutes later Flo picked up some breeze and crossed the line having completed one lap 1 hour and four minutes after the start. Ali sailing in the Laser Punt, did not start (DNS) but practised manoeuvres in the middle of the course.
The high tide made for easy hauling out of the fleet of eight at the slipway, all dinghies and safety boat back in the club by 15.30.
Nick Jeffery (OOD)
Next week we have a D course to Hammersmith at 14.00 (after a Working Party at 10.30).
CLEARING THE ARCH ! It’s time to remove all the bits and pieces that threaten to fill the arch.
At the Work Party this Sunday (10.30), or preferably before then, can members please label any personal items that need to be kept or risk their removal to the tip. We might even be able to clean the floor.