SI 1 RULES All SGSC races shall be governed by the current International Yacht Racing Rules, the prescription of the rules of any class of boat, and by these sailing instructions.
SI 2 ENTRIES All members’ boats and any other invited guests of a member shall be eligible to compete in any race held by SGSC.
SI 3 NOTICES Notices to competitors shall be posted on the club board outside the Arch.
SI 4 CHANGES IN SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Any changes to these instructions or to the definition of courses will be posted on the notice board 30 mins before the starting signal, or by word of mouth of the OOD, or by delegation to the safety boat driver. It is the responsibility of the OOD to inform all competitors.
SI 5 SIGNALS MADE ASHORE Yellow flag up at 6 minutes before the start, plus a sound signal; Blue Peter up at 3 minutes before the start, plus a sound signal; both flags down, plus sound signal, at the start.
The yellow flag is raised, plus sound signal, when the leading boat is on her last lap (Courses A and B) to warn boats that they are about to finish.
To postpone a start raise the red and white pennant with two sound signals, and lower it, with one sound signal, one minute before the new starting sequence.
SI 6 SCHEDULE OF RACES These shall be issued for the current year to all members.
SI 7 CLASS FLAGS There shall be no Class flags.
SI 8 RACING AREA This shall be as outlined in SI 9
SI 9 THE COURSES: The diagrams below show the standard A, B, C and D courses including the approximate positions of the marks, the order in which they are to be rounded or passed and the side on which each mark is to be rounded.
SI 10 MARKS All marks will be laid by the safety boat with the guidance of the OOD and may be recognised by a variety of colours and markings.
SI 11 THE START As directed for each course in SI 9.
SI 12 RECALLS Individual boats that jump the line will be recalled by the OOD by a sound signal and by the most effective means available of communicating to the relevant boat. It is the helmsman’s responsibility to confirm when he or she is able to proceed with the race after a recall.
SI 13 CHANGES OF COURSE AFTER THE START Courses will only be shortened by the 00D, or on his instructions, by re-laying a mark before the leading boat has reached it.
SI 14 THE FINISH as directed for each course in SI 9
SI 15 TIME LIMIT: there will be no time limits excepting those defined for each course in SI 9 or by the OOD at his discretion if the wind dies.
SI 16 PROTESTS are not encouraged. If a boat makes a clear and avoidable infringement of the Right of Way rules, she must exonerate herself by making a 360 degree turn as soon as possible, keeping clear of all other boats, or retire.
SI 17 If a boat touches a buoy with any part of the hull, crew or equipment, she must re-round keeping clear of all other boats.
SI 18 SCORING see ‘The Race Scoring System’.
SI 19 PRIZES Prizes will be awarded according to the specification in ‘The Race Scoring System’ and in most cases will be presented at the annual dinner dance.



Signals. See SI.5.
The OOD has the right to amend the course in accordance with SI 4.

All A,B,C and D courses except the First and Last Races, Corinthians challenge, training races and the Ladies’ Plate are points races, contributing to the season’s 3 main prize competitions.

‘A’ COURSE – between the Railway Bridge and Kew Bridge
Starting and finishing: The line is defined by the signpost of the Bell & Crown, the tall pub chimney, the OOD’s flag position at the upstream end of the railing, where a black line is painted on the riverwall, and a white mark painted on the Surrey bank. The line must be crossed in the same direction when starting and finishing.
Course: Sail round all buoys in the sequence directed by the OOD. Oliver’s Island may
be passed on either side. The leading boat shall be finished at the end of the lap completed after she has been sailing for about 60mins. All other boats shall finish thereafter on completion of their current lap.
‘B’- COURSE – between the Railway Bridge and Chiswick Bridge
Starting and finishing: The line is defined by a transit of the downstream wall of No.1 Strand on the Green, the OOD’s flag position and a noticeable gap in the trees on the Surrey bank. The line will be crossed in the same direction when starting and finishing.
Course: Sail round two buoys, one upstream of the line and one downstream, as directed by the OOD to complete full laps. The leading boat shall be finished at the end of the lap completed after she has been sailing for about 60mins. All other boats shall finish thereafter on completion of their current lap.
‘C’ COURSE – between Kew Bridge and Isleworth
Starting and finishing. The line is defined by the Steam Museum chimney and the OOD’s chosen position on the Surrey bank to the west of Kew Bridge. The line shall be crossed in an upstream direction on starting and a downstream direction on finishing.
Course: Sail upstream to Isleworth and around a SGS Club buoy to starboard. At the discretion of the OOD or by delegation the safety boat driver the buoy may be laid short of Isleworth if conditions warrant it. If a buoy is not laid, turn downstream on a line projected from the brick wall at the downstream end of the Isleworth quay.
‘D’ COURSEbetween the Railway Bridge and Hammersmith
Starting and finishing. as for ‘B’ Course. The line will be crossed in the downstream direction when starting and the upstream direction when finishing. At the discretion of the OOD the finish line may be defined as the downstream side of the Railway Bridge.

Course: Sail downstream to Hammersmith and turn upstream on a line projected from the London Corinthians start line. At the discretion of the OOD or by delegation the safety boat driver, if it becomes clear that the conventional mark cannot be reached, a buoy may be laid short of this point and rounded to starboard.
Boats note their own start time when passing under the downstream edge of the Railway Bridge. They note their own finish time at the same point. Earliest start time and latest qualifying finish times are given in the sailing calendar. Boats sail to Vauxhall Bridge and turn at its upstream edge.
NB The secret of success is working out the time the tide turns at Vauxhall, the likely time it will take to get there, and so your optimum start time …
Total race time of competitors who have NOT had to retire because they couldn’t beat the tide and make it to the bridge and back has varied from about 5 to 7 hours.
The prize is a medal (which you will have deserved!)


Traditionally boats are towed to Waterloo, where there is a picnic on the shore, and the facilities of the RFH are explored.
A race back to Kew Railway Bridge is started from there when the tide has turned.
For the last two years this has been impossible because of bridge works, and a similar event has benefitted from the kind hospitality of the Westninster Sailing Centre opposite Dolphin Square.
The prize is a pewter tankard.


1. To be responsible for all the decisions relating to the organization of the event on the day in
accordance with the racing rules of sailing.
2. To lay the course as set out in the race programme for the day.
3. To ensure that any changes to the SI are made in accordance with SI 4.
4. To be responsible for filling in the time record sheet and presenting a complete record to the
Master of Sums or leave in the arch in a safe place.
5. If unable to act as OOD, to find a substitute and inform a committee member who will be present
on the day.
6. To prepare a race report for the benefit of the editor of the website results page.

1. Arrange with the master of the safety boat to lay the mark buoys as appropriate to the day and
the course. If in doubt, discuss the best positions relating to the wind and the tide with an experienced
member of the club.
2. The record sheet, flags and horn/whistle will be found in the arch. Please provide a pen and a
suitable stopwatch.
3. The number and size of laps on the A and B courses depends on the wind and the tide. The
aim Is that competitors should sail the longest course possible but that the course should be within
the capabilities of the little boats. It is better to have several short laps than a long lap that is a
struggle for the little boats. The race should last about one hour, so that is when the leading boat
should be finished. All other boats are then finished as they complete their current lap. It doesn’t
matter how many laps they do because the race is calculated on the average lap time.
4. The race report should be brief and cover such essential things as the weather conditions, the
course, the number of laps, the number of boats, the finishing order, and any incidents of general
interest. The editor of the website has the right to supplement or abridge the report.



1. To arrive in time to equip and ready the safety boat before the race.
2. To lay buoys for the course when appropriate, as instructed by/in cahoots with the OOD.
3. On C and D courses, to shorten the course ahead of the leading boat, if tide and wind conditions mean that the fleet will not be able to round the buoy in its normal position.
4. Passengers must only be taken in the safety boat if their number and character will not adversely affect the boat’s primary purpose.
5. The primary purpose of the safety boat is to ensure the safety of sailors. Rescuing boats is of secondary importance. When several crews may be in trouble the safety boat must not tow boats – these can be secured or beached and retreived later.
6. To retreive buoys at the end of the race, and return the boat and equipment.