OOD: Leona Shepherd Safety Boat: Lev Kolobov Weather: Fair; Light wind moving between E and SSW. Course: A Six boats launched by 18:40 in a light E wind. Race started at 19.00. On the water there was: Keith Clarke in Kaia; Distant Thunder, helmed by Chris Greenwood with Felicia crewing; Ben Chappell in Envy; James Armitage with Nikita as crew in Zephyr; Rob Adams in Phoebe; Nick Floyer in Flo. A fine evening down by the river. Thanks to the earlier premier league game there was an unusually large audience cheering our racers along at the start of the race. A steady wind from the East made for excellent times with pacey upriver legs in the initial laps and it was neck and neck for a while. The audience support continued too. On the fourth lap the wind remained tangible but moved around, coming from the South and the West – though it was quite inconsistent on the water. As the sun dipped Ben, always the competitor, was seen racing 2 geese with their 4 goslings – Ben won of course! After seven laps James crossed the line first at 47 minutes, followed by Rob, Chris, Ben and finally Nick. Leona (OOD) |