SGSC Race Results on 3 September 2017
A dry but overcast day with a scheduled “B” course with a start time of 12 noon programmed.
The Met forecast for the race period was SSE 7mph gusting 16mph. OOD discussed with the fleet the possibility of changing to an “A” course as the wind direction SSE and flood tide would be hard to beat against. However, after consideration it was decided that the wind was sufficiently strong enough to tackle the “B” course.
Two buoys were skilfully laid by Chris Jones in the safety boat, the buoy closest to the railway bridge being laid down stream to avoid dinghies being swept onto the bridge.
Surprisingly six dinghies were prepared to endure the gusts and the fickle conditions. All dinghies made good starts and all made it around the pier without any mishaps.
Tacking, as was expected, was difficult along the rowing club bank with most dinghies tacking out into the mid-stream tide to take advantage of the stronger wind conditions. The wind direction with gusts and with a flood tide was at times demanding but all managed to stay upright. Chris stayed close to the action in the safety boat.
Rob Adams in his Laser soon raced away from the fleet. Rob Collingwood with crew Lucy followed in his Enterprise closely followed by Nick, Ian, Lev and Alex.
It was a “Laser day” and Rob tacked over to the Surrey bank and with the help of a wind shift made even more ground over the fleet. He eventually tacked back to the Middlesex bank and shortly rounded the downstream buoy. On rounding the buoy he was away, on a run with the flood tide.
At this point the sky turned black and looked threatening but the wind strength dropped. The fleet struggled to reach and round the buoy. Eventually, Rob Collingwood and Nick rounded the buoy and were now on the run and breaking away from Ian, Lev and Alex.
Ian, lev and Alex persisted with their approach to the buoy and although the wind seemed to drop further they rounded the buoy.
Meanwhile, Rob in his Laser had completed the first lap in 24.39 with Rob Collingwood (Enterprise) and Nick (Lightning) 31.28 and 32.50 respectively.
Ian (Vibe) completed his first lap in 41.02 and Lev(Gull) 50.20 and Alex (GP14) 52.52.
The race continued in a similar pattern for the second lap with Rob Adams finishing at 50.37, Rob Collingwood 59.59 closely followed by Nick 63.50. Ian finished ahead of Lev 78.25 and 94.40 respectively. Alex sensibly decided one lap was enough at 52.52.
Race Results