The race was exciting to say the least if somewhat short-lived!
With wind speeds recorded at Kew of 24knots, gusting 34, from SW, a lot of members decided to opt out of the race. However, we managed to sign up 5 boats for a B-course!
Rob Adams with new sailing member Rob Walsh got caught by a gust leading to a capsize and some swimming to the Safety Boat, which ended their race in Big Polly (Enterprise).
Dave and Sheila Berger (Entre Nous, Enterprise) decided to retire after the start leaving James Armitage with Felicia Biekark in Zephyr (Enterprise) to complete one lap in 15mins 59secs. James yelled up to me to stop the race and I decided to listen to the voice of experience and did just that.
Joe Armitage finished the lap in his Laser (Punt) shortly after in 18mins 52 secs. That would’ve ended the race except for the determination of single-handed Lev Kolobov (Porpoise, Enterprise) who after numerous capsizes managed to finish his one lap in 58mins 52secs.
A big shout out to Sam Shemtob with Louise who stepped up to man the Safety Boat on a very challenging race day!
Frankie Skrzeszewski, OOD.