Race report: Sunday 12th May 2024

OOD: Felicia Biekarck ; safety boat: Chris Greenwood and Tim Young

Under a clear spring sky, six boats took to the water for a triangular A-Course race. A gentle westerly breeze, with the occasional gust and a manageable tide, created ideal conditions for a competitive afternoon. 

The fleet consisted of two Enterprises sailed by team James+Billy in Zephyr and Rob+Kiran in Big Polly, two Lasers sailed by Ben in Envy and Keith in Kaia, a Mirror with team Olly+Felicity in Spinosaurus, and a Gull sailed by Nick in flo. Our thanks to Chris and Tim for their excellent safety boat coverage throughout the afternoon.

The race kicked off at 5 pm, with Rob+Kiran seizing an early lead, closely followed by James+Billy and Ben right behind them. These three established themselves as the leading pack early on. The first buoy was rounded by James+Billy, holding their position throughout the fast-paced race and completing the first lap in just under seven minutes.

Meanwhile, in the rear pack, Keith in his Laser, Nick in his Gull, and Olly+Felicity in their Mirror battled it out, exchanging positions regularly and occasionally facing wind stalls and the challenges of the tide.

James+Billy’s consistent boat speed earned them the win, completing 7 laps in 55’20”. Rob+ Kiran, also completing 7 laps, finished a close second at 59’06”. Ben followed in third with 6 laps. Nick, team Olly+Felicity, and Keith all completed 4 laps, having enjoyed a rewarding race. 

All in all, a fantastic afternoon. It was particularly pleasing to see all three two-person boats crewed by our up-and-coming junior sailors. Looking forward to next Sunday’s B-Course race. May the wind blow, may the Sun shine bright!

Cheers to all,
